Submitted Abstract
The objective of the activity is to involve a wide-ranging audience (academics, practitioners, young researchers,policy makers) in interactive lectures delivered by renowned scholars in legal, political economy or internationalrelations disciplines. The lectures cover various aspects of the external action of the European Union and aim atcritically assessing its role in tackling challenges in a context of global governance.This third Lecture Series will build on the success of the lectures funded by the FNR (December 2013-November 2014 and January-July 2015). The lecturescombine theoretical perspectives and empirical insights and involve as discussants young researchers andpractitioners. Working papers and comments are published afterwards online and some lectures are preceded by aworkshop bringing together PhD students and young researchers.The renewal of the activity aims at broadening the scope of issues in key policy fields in order to contribute to thedissemination of research results and stimulate research, teaching and reflection in the field of the external actionof the European Union. The lectures critically assess the role of the European Union as a global international actor,with emphasis on the specific features of its external action, its contribution to the shaping of the international legalorder and its openness towards international law.The Lecture Series reinforce the visibility of the teaching and research activities of the University of Luxembourg,promote the exchange of ideas and research results through inter academic discussions and actively involvemembers of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of European institutions and organs. The third part of the Lecture Series will coincide with the Luxembourgish presidency of the Council of the European Union and be part of the implication of the University in this context.