The Effectiveness of the European Social Model: Policies, Rights, and Remedies


CALL: 2017

DOMAIN: LE - Law, Economics, Finance





HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg


START: 2017-11-20

END: 2018-09-30


Submitted Abstract

The Lecture Series “The Effectiveness of the European Social Model: Policies, Rights, and Remedies” represented ideally the second stage of the project Enhancing the European Social Model, already financed last year by the FNR (Rescom/ 11232407) and closed by the event “The future of the European Social Model” held at the University of Luxembourg the 19th of June 2017, speakers Professor Catherine Barnard and Judge François Biltgen, with the participation of more than 50 people, including CJEU judges and legal secretaries, professionals, UL Phd students, and UL Professors.This new Lecture Series has focused on the effectiveness, or efficacy, of the entire “system” of labour law in Europe. It has broadened the scope of investigation, as well as the layers of research on the ESM, including European policies on employment and occupation, the individual and collective rights deriving from the EU legislation, and the judicial remedies conceived to enforce those rights.Starting with the first Lecture on the European Pillar of Social Rights (December 2017), the series has been animated by the participation as lecturers of the following distinguished scholars:- Filip DORSSEMONT (UC Louvain): 8 December 2017, Politique d’emploi contre Droits sociaux à l’ère du Socle Européen- Orsola RAZZOLINI (University of Genoa): 26 April 2018, The Principle of Effectiveness in the Judicial Dialogue between the CJEU and Domestic Courts- Giovanni ORLANDINI (University of Siena), 3 May 2018, The economic and the social in the case law of the CJEU: Searching for a fair balance- Nicola Countouris (UCL London): 31 May 2018, European Constitutionalism, the Social Marker Economy, and the Principle of Accommodation – Mark BELL (Trinity College Dublin): 13 July 2018, Reflecting on the Effectiveness of EU Anti-Discrimination Law- Silvana SCIARRA (Italian Constitutional Court) and Francois DELAPORTE (Luxembourg Administrative Court), 28 September 2018: Solidarity and Conflict. European Social Law in CrisisAll the events have been massively advertised via internet and with posters.A dedicated webpage has been created: the lectures have been participated by a stimulating audience, who continuously appreciated the high level of the speakers and the intensity of the debate thereof.The inaugural lecture given by professor Dorssemont has been opened by the then Head of the Law Department , professor J. van Der Walt, helping addressing the importance of a common reflection on the effectiveness of the European pillar of Social Rights, enacted in November 2017.The concluding Lecture given by professor Sciarra has been particularly participated by important personalities of the legal and political spheres: two Judges from the Court of Justice and the Labour Minister of Luxembourg came and actively participated to the debate.

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