Summer School 2014: Verification Technology, Systems & Applications


CALL: 2014

DOMAIN: IS - Information and Communication Technologies





HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg


START: 2014-10-27

END: 2015-03-26


Submitted Abstract

The summer school on verification technology, systems and applications (VTSA 2014) took place at the University of Luxembourg, October 27th-31st 2014. In total, 38 students have been selected for the summer school, based on their applications containing a cover letter, a resume and a transcript. The school was organised in the following form: (1) Five international speakers, recognised as experts in their respective fields, presented the state of the art and the most recent and important results in each selected research field; (2) Three student sessions where eleven participants presented their current work (short oral presentation, see the school program for titles of the presentations); (3) Two participants presented their current work using posters during the summer school.This year, we have invited (1) Nikolaj Bjorner, principal researcher at Microsoft Research, to give a course on “Software Verification by Solving Horn Clauses”, (2) Laura Kovacs, associate professor at Chalmers University of Technology, to give a course on “Symbolic Computation and Theorem Proving in Program Analysis”, (3) Joel Ouaknine, professor at Oxford University, to give a course on “A Survey of Program Termination: Practical and Theoretical Challenges”; (4) Jaco van de Pol, professor at University of Twente, to give a course on “Scalable Multi-core Model Checking: Technology & Applications of Brute Force”, (5) Helmut Veith, professor at the Vienna University of Technology, to give a course on “Model Checking of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms”.The general scientific coordination of VTSA consists of Prof. Dr. Bernard Boigelot (University of Liege, Belgium), Dr. Stephan Merz (INRIA Nancy, France), Dr. Jun Pang (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) and Prof. Dr. Christoph Weidenbach (MPI, Germany), representing the supporting institutions of the VTSA summer schools.We organised VTSA 2014 in Luxembourg together with the 16th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2014), which took place in Luxembourg from November 3rd to 7th, 2014. The topics of the two events, ICFEM 2014 and VTSA 2014, are very relevant to each other. Dr. Jun Pang and Dr. Stephan Merz are the PC co-chairs of ICFEM 2014. By organising the two events jointly, we attracted more young researchers and PhD students. In this year, ICFEM has offered three student grants to VTSA participants to attend the conference. VTSA 2014 and ICFEM 2014 also shared one invited speaker: Nikolaj Bjorner.

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