Submitted Abstract
In my thesis, prepared within the support of the Institut für Europäische Kunstgeschichte of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, the Unité de formation et de recherche IPSE of the Université du Luxembourg and the financial support of BFR resp. AFR by the Luxembourgish Ministry of culture resp. the FNR, I analyze the national-socialist politics of art and culture in Luxembourg. My research aimes a local historical approach, that is relatively new and of special interest related to this subject – new in so far that art historians who are interested in the Third Reich, base their view on the center of power. This study has a particular significance, because of the importance of cultural politics in the national socialist germanisation of this occupied region.The project that consists of two main chapters with 267 pages in the textual part, delivers not only an insight in the national socialist art politics during the Second World War – Luxembourg was occupied by the Reich from the 10th May 1940 to 10th September 1944, but provides also a view of the cultural and artistic structures of the Grand Duchy during the decade 1934 to 1944, a period of time where I describe the struggle of the German an French cultures in Luxembourg during the 1930’s.My project has been finalized within the time frame provided by the institutes and has been evaluated with the grade “Cum Laude”. Furthermore, during the ‘cotutelle’ that I have initiated , a good cooperation between the research units of Art History and History at the institutes mentioned above, gave way to a fruitful international exchange.On the 23.9. I obtained my doctoral grade of the Université du Luxembourg. At the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg in order to obtain the doctoral title, the thesis has to be published. The german editor Kliomedia under direction of Dr. Alexander Reverchon has been recommended to me and is interested to publish my work. In his offer the yellow marked section mentiones the amount of the financial necessary support. The publication will be in this autumn by the end of november.