Submitted Abstract
The publication is related to an experts’ conference that had been organized by ANCES a.s.b.l. (National association of educative and social communities – non-profit organization) in partnership with FICE Europe (International federation of educative communities – Europe) and in cooperation with the bachelor-programme Social and Educative Sciences and the research axes “Social Inclusion” (INSIDE: Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development) of the University of Luxembourg. The scientific event had been financially supported by the FNR (FNR/09/AM3/36) and Luxembourg’s Ministry of Family and Integration.The conference’s main focus was put on a transnational inventory of (a) the legal and institutional frame as well as (b) the presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art research in the domain of social and pedagogical work with juveniles in secure detention and in the context of restrained settings. Ten experts presented the actual situation in their country along five thematical axes: 1. Legal frame. 2. Research : approaches and results. 3. Pedagogical concepts: structures and organization. 4. Pedagogical concepts: methods and instruments. 5. Aftercare.The publication informs on (a) state-of-the-art research in the domain of social and pedagogical work with juveniles in secure detention and in the context of restrained settings, (b) gives a transnational inventory along five thematical axes (see above) and (c) summarizes the transversal perspectives as well as the outcomes of the conference.