Submitted Abstract
This project focuses on bringing exciting cutting-edge permafrost science to luxembourgish classrooms. We plan for a series of exciting workshops around the science of permafrost together with an international team of permafrost scientists.The Frozen Ground Cartoons (FGC) are of importance to the National Education, and SCRIPT (MENJE) will ensure the translation into Luxembourgish as well as the printing of the final products. Since the FGC showcase the work of scientists and illustrate scientific results in an easy-to-understand way, (1a) we will use them as a red line in the workshops, (1b) classes involved in the translation process will be joining their colleagues from the more specific Geography and Sustainable Development/Urbanism classes during these multiple workshops. The students will also be able to test a permafrost Board Game and Augmented Reality Tools that are currently developed around the FGC. (2) The workshops developed during this PSP-project shall become a legacy to the future multilingual FGCs as add-on didactical materials (STE(A)M) that will be made available to schools in the long-run, through and SCRIPT. Through these fun activities, students will gain insights into the work of a permafrost scientist and discover the latest developments in permafrost science. The team of international permafrost scientists will gather a second time in Luxembourg during the launch of the Luxembourgish version of the FGCs (spring 2020), for another series of workshops in order to train the trainers (teachers) and to take the participating students to a field trip to see permafrost relics in Luxemburg and Hautes-Fagnes.