Lauter lëschteg Lauter

SCHEME: Proof-of-Concept

CALL: 2017

DOMAIN: ID - Humanities and Social Sciences


LAST NAME: Engel De Abreu



HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg

KEYWORDS: pre-literacy instruction, preschool, Luxembourg, evidence-based, reading problems, LALA pre-reading program, effective., Cycle 1.

START: 2017-09-15

END: 2018-03-14


Submitted Abstract

Low levels of child literacy in Luxembourg has been a long-standing national concern. 45% of Luxembourg’s 9 year olds are not achieving required reading standards. Appropriate pre-literacy program that are tailored to the specific Luxembourgish context are inexistent. Research has shown that reading problems can be prevented if pre-literacy instruction starts in preschool. The LALA Program is the first evidence based pre-reading program for Cycle 1 in Luxembourg. It has proven to be effective in boosting children’s preliteracy skills and prevent educational failure. The project will have a large social impact on Luxembourg. It will contribute towards translating leading-edge research into state-of-the-art educational support for children. It will provide a response to frequent and pressing requests from the local community for educational tools that are specifically tailored to the Luxembourgish context. Appropriate learning tools are crucial for children. If children receive adequate support better educational outcomes can be achieved. Educational failure is associated with high costs to society. It limits the capacity for Luxembourg’s economies to produce and grow, damages social cohesion and imposes high costs on public budgets to deal with their consequences.

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