Improved Model-based Requirements for Financial Applications


CALL: 2018

DOMAIN: IS - Information and Communication Technologies




INDUSTRY / PPP PARTNER: Clearstream Services S.A.

HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg

KEYWORDS: FinTech, Requirements Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering, Software Test Automation, Natural Language Processing

START: 2019-02-01



Submitted Abstract

Requirements engineering defines the necessary capabilities and characteristics of a system in order for the system to have value to its users. Despite research advances, requirements engineers still face major difficulties caused by insufficient industry-strength support for requirements specification and analysis. This is particularly true in the increasingly complex finance industry. Managing the completeness and consistency of requirements for financial applications presents a major challenge, in large part because some of these requirements are expressed as models, while others are captured using textual descriptions. Another key challenge is the definition of acceptance criteria for the requirements, which, at the moment, is a manual process based on the testers’ experience and without systematically exploiting key information from the requirements specifications. IMoReF will develop innovative, computer-assisted solutions for specifying and analyzing software requirements in the financial domain. The project will concentrate on three main research and development facets: (1) devising a model-based methodology for specifying the requirements of financial applications, (2) automated reconciliation of model-based and textual requirements, and (3) automated generation of requirements acceptance criteria. The project will be a collaboration between University of Luxembourg’s SnT Centre and Clearstream – an international central securities depository based in Luxembourg and owned by Deutsche Börse AG. A successful execution of IMoReF will produce key academic advances in the fields of requirements engineering and software test automation, while further inducing significant national and international industrial exploitation opportunities.

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