Submitted Abstract
Abstract: From 2007 to 2011, animals were collected from 82natural caves and artificial caverns in the Grand Duchyof Luxembourg. The Ösling is the northern part ofLuxembourg and mainly consists of Devonian schist.Specimens were collected there from 5 railway tunnels,6 schist mines, 5 copper mines and 4 other subgroundexcavations. The Gutland covers the southern 2/3 ofLuxembourg. Collections were made in 1 natural cave inlimestone, and 7 natural caves in calcareous sandstone,2 gypsum mines, 6 sandstone mines, 3 railway tunnels1 other object as well as 6 casemattes (subterraneandefensive fortifications) of Luxembourg City. Only asmall part of the Moselle valley is part of Luxemburg.In this valley, collections could be done in 2 naturallimestone caves and 3 dolomite mines. One focus was theMinette region, located in the very south of Luxembourgwith 14 processed iron mines and 2 railway tunnels.Collections were normally done fourtimes a year byusing Barber traps as well as collections by hand usingpaint brushs. Sieving of water was an exception.More than 90,000 specimens were collected, comprising512 species. The greater part of them is published in thisbook. 201 species were found the first time in Luxembourg;3 are new to sciences. 73 species are subtroglophile,94 eutroglophile, and 13 eutroglobiont.36 articles deal with animal groups, one with descriptionof new species. In detail the following specimen werefound (e = article is written in English; all other arewritten in German):