Submitted Abstract
Steel-concrete composite construction methods provide sustainable solutions for multi-storey buildings. The building material steel has outstanding mechanical properties, which provide high load bearing capacity with slim structural components. Moreover, steel is entirely recyclable and this limits carbon food print of the construction industry. However, in Central Europe only a small fraction of multi-storey buildings is built with steel-composite construction methods. This is due to the fact that many construction companies are oriented to classical concrete construction. However, there is a realistic chance to construct economic building frames with steel-concrete composite slab systems in combination with vertical reinforced concrete elements by using the labor-force of the general contractors. But until now, the complicate erection processes of composite joints require specially qualified steel workers, which cannot be provided by general contractors. To increase the market share of steel-composite structures in multi-storey buildings new business models have to be developed. However, this requires overcoming scientific challenges. Therefore, this research aims to invent new novel steel-concrete composite connectors such as friction-based assembly technologies and “plug-in” consoles, to provide fast and straightforward assembly process on the construction site. Thereby the steel construction method can be established as a “prefabricated construction method”