Submitted Abstract
The Lecture Series “Enhancing the European Social Model” has considered the foundational concepts of EU labour and social law, focusing on the so-called ESM. Starting with the first Lecture on the concept of subordination, the series has been animated by the participation as lecturers of the following distinguished scholars: – Nicola COUNTOURIS (UCL London) and Franck LECOMTE (CJEU): 11 November 2016, The Subordination Dilemma and the Scope of EU labour law. – Filip DORSSEMONT (UC Louvain): 26 January 2017, L’Europe face à l’autonomie collective. The Right to Collective Bargaining in EU, Between the CJEU and the ECHR- Edoardo ALES (Univ. of Cassino): 3 February 2017: Migrant Workers and Social Security in EU after Commission v UK (C-308/14) and the Brexit referendum.- José Maria MIRANDA BOTO (University of Santiago de Compostela): 31 March 2017, The Future of Collective Labour Law in EU: Representation, Collective Bargaining and the Right to Strike.- Achim SEIFERT (Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena): 28 April 2017, General Data Protection Regulation and the Employment Relationship.- Valerio DE STEFANO (Bocconi University and ILO Geneva [now University of Leuven]): 26 May 2017, New Media, New Jobs in the Digital Economy: Questions on the Regulation of Crowdwork in EU.- Catherine BARNARD (Cambridge University) and Francois BILTGEN (CJEU), 19 June 2017, The Future of the European Social Model: Trends and Challenges.All the events have been massively advertised via internet and with posters.Examples here: the lectures have been participated by a stimulating audience, who continuously appreciated the high level of the speakers and the intensity of the debate thereof.