Émancipation, Éclosion, Persécution


CALL: 2012

DOMAIN: SC - Societal Challenges

FIRST NAME: Thorsten

LAST NAME: Fuchshuber



HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg




WEBSITE: https://www.uni.lu

Submitted Abstract

The conflict between the universal and the particular has profoundly marked the Luxembourg Judaism since the French Revolution. In 1797 – two years after the decision by the French fortress of Luxembourg held hitherto by Austria and integration in the Department of Forests most of the territory of the Duchy of Luxembourg – we are witnessing the introduction of French revolutionary legislation and hence the principle of equality. This is the time when in Luxembourg is introduced revolutionary legislation and hence the principle of equality that brought Jewish emancipation. During the following years, the situation of Jews in the former Forest Department remained largely marked by the French policy vis-à-vis the Jews.This volume assembles ten contributions to the symposium on “Emancipation, Eclosion, Persécution” (“Emancipation, Emergence, Persecution”) on the development of the Luxembourg Jewish community of the French Revolution to the 2nd World War” in 2011.The conference organized by the research project PARTIZIP brought together researchers from academia and local historiography. It is the result of reflections on aspects that have been little explored in the history of the Jewish community in the political and social context of Luxembourg. They contribute therefore to lift the veil on aspects of the history of Judaism and even more of the phenomenon of anti-Semitism that have been little explored in Luxembourg.It is neither exclusively Jewish individuals nor Luxembourg Jewish community who are at the center of this publication. Indeed, the history of Judaism in Luxembourg also provides insight into the history of the society as a whole. The degree of Jewish emancipation and opportunities for development and participation that they enjoy in the Luxembourgish society allow to get an idea of the type and level of democratization and emancipation characterizing the Luxembourg company.All contributions collected in this volume have as background the relationship between society and the Jewish community. The consequences of Jewish emancipation in terms of participation and integration in social life, the emergence of local Jewish communities, the emergence of anti-Semitism in Luxembourg and its impact on society of other societal developments, the role of Zionism in Luxembourg, flight and exile of the Jewish people in the pre-war phase and finally the Luxembourg participation in the persecution before and during the 2nd World War, these are the keywords around which are grouped the various articles presented in the publication, contributed by: Vincent Artuso, Paul Dostert, Thorsten Fuchshuber Marc Gloden, Laurent Moyse, Antoinette Reuter, Jean-Philippe Schreiber, Denis Scuto Daniel Thilman and Renée Wagener.The issue of responsibility for the Luxembourg State in Jewish persecution in the context of the 2nd World War, which is also treated in serveral contributions, remains a news topic in Luxembourg. This issue of administrative cooperation of Luxembourg and the weight of their role for the occupants in the Nazi system, particularly in the persecution of the Jewish people, will remain at the forefront of the news, as well as the legal responsibility and / or policy of the current government.

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