Efficient quality controlled plasma flow simulations directly from CAD

SCHEME: Industrial Fellowships

CALL: 2018

DOMAIN: MS - Materials, Physics and Engineering




INDUSTRY / PPP PARTNER: Sparc Industries

HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg

KEYWORDS: Partial differential equations, Boundary element method, Isogeometric analysis, Hierarchical matrices, Halo technique, Plasma engineering

START: 2019-02-01

END: 2019-10-15

WEBSITE: https://www.uni.lu

Submitted Abstract

Plasma is a collection of highly energetic charged particles colliding with each other and interacting through long range electrical effects.Plasma flows are relevant in a wide variety of industries, ranging from semi-conductors to space thrusters. Simulating plasma flows requires solving for multi million unknown strongly coupled, multi-scale equations involving both discrete and continuous fields over complex and evolving boundaries. This may explain why no off-the-shelf commercial solution is available today.In this project, we propose a novel approach to plasma flow simulations. The approach solves directly from geometrical Computer Aided Design data without mesh generation, thereby cutting the required engineering time from hours to minutes (sub/iso/supergeometric BEM). It provides a certified quality measure of simulations and optimise the computational expense by locally adapting the discretisation (h,p,k,e-adaptivity) and exploiting smart linear algebra (H-matrices), but it also treats complex boundary layers through a novel Halo technique increasing accuracy and decreasing user intervention. The team is uniquely placed to carry out those novel developments as Bordas is one of the pioneers in sub and supergeometric BEMs and Sparc Industries already holds a strong competitive advantage in plasma simulations.

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