Submitted Abstract
This request concerns the publication of my PhD thesis, which I have written at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (Germany) in the field of German Philology. The title of the submitted PhD thesis is “Dass wir nicht sehr verläßlich zu Haus sind/ in der gedeuteten Welt“. Untersuchung zur Thematik der gedeuteten Welt in Rilkes „Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge“, „Duineser Elegien“ und spätester Lyrik.The thesis has already been supported by the BFR-Programme and the AFR-Programme (BFR 06/012; AFR-EXT 06/021). PhD supervisor was Prof. Dr. Gerhard Buhr, PhD co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Roland Reuß.In the broader sense my PhD thesis is the result of my research concerning the subject-object-topic in selected works by the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. This topic has been analysed specifically in the narrower sense as the topic of the “Interpreted world” (“Gedeutete Welt”), where the “Gedeutete Welt” is understood as a concept that underlies the texts. The topic of the “Gedeutete Welt” is structured by a doubleness: first of all by the fact that the “Gedeutete Welt” becomes problematic and also by the simultaneously intended overcoming of the “Gedeutete Welt”. Besides, it has been examined in what regard the topic, the problems and the intended overcoming may differ in the diverse texts and whether this concept is negotiated by new attempts, breaks or continuity. Methodically it is not a matter of indicating how a external literary world enters the text. From the methodical perspective, the focus lies on the textual and poetical realisation of the “Gedeutete Welt” in the text itself. Furthermore, it has been analysed whether the negotiations of the “Gedeutete Welt” in the text relate back to the poetic language used and with which the topic is presented in Rilke’s texts. The text basis consists of “Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge” (1910), the “Duineser Elegien” (1922) and some carefully chosen single poems from Rilke’s latest poetry (1922-1926).The financial support applied for will be used for the publication of my PhD thesis in the publishing house Königshausen und Neumann, in whose programme other important works dealing with Rilke have been published.