Cemeteries and Crematoria as public spaces of belonging in Europe: a study of migrant and minority cultural inclusion, exclusion and integration


CALL: 2017

DOMAIN: ID - Humanities and Social Sciences





HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg

KEYWORDS: cemeteries urban migrant minorities inclusion

START: 2019-06-01

END: 2021-05-31

WEBSITE: https://www.uni.lu

Submitted Abstract

This project will examine cemeteries and crematoria ‘gardens’ as public spaces of social inclusion, exclusion and integration, with particular reference to migrant and Established Minority experience, needs and provision, and how these intersect with established practices in the North West of Europe. Cemeteries are multifunctional public spaces where funerary services are provided; they are ‘sacred’ in the widest sense; they are also frequently used as public parks. Thus, diverse residents converge on cemeteries as shared spaces of use. Misunderstanding and conflict can arise over diverse uses and meanings; alternatively, communities of shared experience and understanding can emerge. Thus, the use and management of these important but understudied public spaces can tell us much about the everyday lived experiences and negotiationsof urban diversity, social inclusion and exclusion in multicultural NW Europe. Improving understanding of varied meanings, uses and practices through dialogue and co-production of management strategies will enhance cross-cultural understandingand interaction, and inform planning for diversity-ready cemeteries.CeMi will examine 8 large NW European municipalities across six countries. Each case study has a similar population (circa 110,000 – 150,000) and significant foreign-born/ ethnic minority populations. They cover a range of economic regions, have socially, culturally and ethnically diverse populations, including long-standing established ethnic minority communities and more recent EU and Third Country National (TCN) migrants. Mixed participatory research methods will be used to study issues and experiences from multiple perspectives, including cemetery and crematoria providers, planners, civil society organisations and grassroots users. The project will produce academic publications, policy–briefing reports and recommendations (co-produced with project participants and translated into multiple European and TNC languages) and atravelling exhibition with creative activities. This will provide feedback to municipalities and encourage ongoing dialogue between the providers and the varied users of these important and sensitive public spaces.

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