Submitted Abstract
In order to position Luxembourg as an international research hub, the LCSB organizes a bi-annual International Systems Biomedicine Symposium. The first symposium was held in 2011. The “3rd International Systems Biomedicine Symposium” took place from 28 to 29 October, hosted at the Légère Hotel in Munsbach, Luxembourg.The two-day conference integrated the entire life cycle of Big Data in Health Care and addressed both achievements and breakthroughs in science, the hurdles from discovery to implementation and solutions to overcome them. It fostered the dialogue between research performers and funders in such a way that clear recommendations and actions can be designed. Besides opinion statements and scientific presentations, ample time was given for networking opportunities and exchange between the different stakeholders.The conference featured leading organizations from academia, ICT, healthcare and government, including Erasmus Medical Centre, Oracle, Amazon, Sage Bionetworks, Elixir, European Commission, Philips, Novartis, IMI and many more. Speakers discussed their current work, where the field is going, opportunities for the future, and the technical, financial and policy challenges they currently face.Having the two days event allowed for networking and establishing future collaborations between LCSB and external partners coming from industry, that otherwise would not have happened. This event showcased the “PD map”, a freely accessible knowledge depository describing the molecular mechanisms of PD as molecular networks. This project is an example of LCSB´sexpertise in registering big data from research and healthcare through the creation of state-of-the art ICT tools.