Submitted Abstract
The Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) was founded in Palma de Mallorca in July 2005 as a not-for-profit association supporting the study of economic inequality and related fields. ECINEQ has now over 200 members from more than 20 countries, affiliated with universities and the civil service. The ECINEQ conference provides a forum for a rigorous analysis of inequality, welfare and redistribution issues, both at the theoretical and at the empirical level, as well as for a discussion of the policy implications of the research findings in this field. The conference aims at achieving high scholarly standards in both the selection of topics and their debates, whether they concern theoretical issues, empirical analyses or the implementation of policies.The society holds a conference every two years in which it promotes academic debates and exchanges of opinions on inequality, poverty and other topics of common interest and through which it contributes to the worldwide dissemination of the results of scholarly work and practical experiences in this field. In the framework of its 6th meeting, ECINEQ agrees on the proposal of the University of Luxembourg to organize the conference in Luxembourg. This conference has attracted more than 200 economists and social scientists working in the field of interest of the association. This activity was performed during 3 days in July 2015.The topics of the society are consistent with the overall mission of the PEARL ProSocial programme, which aims at improving the knowledge of a wide range of issues in the context of inequality and social change in Luxembourg and Europe, by adopting an interdisciplinary approach in economics and sociology. The PEARL ProSocial programme is managed by Professors Chauvel and D’Ambrosio at the University of Luxembourg Institute of Research on Socio-Economics Inequality (IRSEI). The conference programme iwas organized in numerous parallel sessions and 3 plenary sessions. In between sessions, coffee breaks and lunch gathered all the participants. A dinner was organized to support the conviviality of the conference as well as a social event. The social event proposed was a wakk in in Luxembourg to dicover the Grund with official guided.