30th international conference of the ADMEE-Europe: Evaluation in education and training faced with the transformations of contemporary societies


CALL: 2017

DOMAIN: ID - Humanities and Social Sciences

FIRST NAME: Réginald




HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg


START: 2018-01-10

END: 2018-01-12

WEBSITE: https://www.uni.lu

Submitted Abstract

The 30th international conference of the ADMEE-Europe “Evaluation in education and training faced with the transformations of contemporary societies” took place from 10th to 12th January 2018 on Campus Belval in Luxembourg. The topic was subdivided into 4 theme strands: 1 “Evaluation and quality regulation policies”, 2 “Evaluation and the increasing heterogeneity of populations”, 3 “Evaluation and digital evolution” and 4 “Evaluation and contributions from cognitive sciences”. Over the three days of the conference, 163 contributions were presented during six working sessions. Eight plenary and semi-plenary conferences of 50 minutes each (two for every theme strand) were given by invited keynote speakers: Mr. François Dubet and Ms. Nathalie Mons for the first theme strand, Mr. Dirk Jacobs and Mr. Marc Demeuse for the second theme strand, Mr. Pedro Cardoso Leite and Ms. Mireille Bétrancourt for the third theme strand and Mr. Steve Masson and Ms. Christine Schiltz for the fourth theme strand.In total we welcomed 321 people from 14 different countries during the three days of the conference. Most of them came from French speaking countries that have a national ADMEE section (Belgium, France, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, Switzerland and Luxembourg) or the sister-organisation (Canada) but some came also from other places, such as Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Brazil or Guadeloupe (France). Concerning their institutional background, most participants came from universities or institutions of higher education but also from ministries or other administrations.To the regular participants of the conference, one has to add 19 students from the University of Luxembourg who attended only parts of the conference. As foreseen, the conferences which were held on Thursday afternoon were open to teachers from Luxembourgish primary and secondary schools. Around 30 teachers enrolled to participate in these conferences.Furthermore, a team of 14 people (researchers, administrative and technical assistants) plus 4 student helpers were involved in the organisation (preparation of conference bags, welcoming of participants, preparation of conference rooms, video setup, IT, etc.).In order to evaluate the success of the conference and the level of satisfaction of its participants, we submitted an anonymous online questionnaire to all the participants. 145 of the participants replied which represents a participation rate of 46%. The detailed results can be consulted in the annex describing the success of the activity. Overall the level of satisfaction was high.During the opening ceremony, Mr Stephane Pallage, rector of the University of Luxembourg, Mr Claude Meisch, minister of education and Mr Marc Schiltz, secretary general of the FNR, gave us the honour to pronounce welcome speeches. The ADMEE award which is granted to two students went this year to Ms. Elodie Pools from the University of Liège for her contribution “Modélisation de la multidimensionnalité dans l’évaluation PISA 2003” and to Ms. Gabriela Abuhab Valente from the University Lumière Lyon 2 / Universidade de São Paulo for her contribution “Le phénomène religieux et les politiques éducatives au Brésil”. Both students will publish an article in the journal e-JIREF (http://admee.ulg.ac.be/journal/index.php/ejiref).

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