Submitted Abstract
The 16th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2014) is a premier conference for research in all areas related to formal engineering methods. The main conference ICFEM 2014 and its affiliated events took place in Luxembourg at the Melia hotel from November 3rd to 7th. The program of ICFEM 2014 includes 3 days of conference (Monday 3rd November until Wednesday 5th November) and 2 days of workshops (Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of November). In total, it has attracted 106 participants from all over the world.The ICFEM 2014 Program Committee (PC) has received 73 full paper submissions, of which one was withdrawn. Each paper received at least 3 review reports from PC members or external reviewers. Based on the basis of these reports, each submission was extensively discussed in the virtual meeting of the PC using the Easychair conference system, and in the end the PC decided to accept 28 papers.Each accepted paper has 30 minutes in the conference program for presentation and discussion. ICFEM 2014 has invited three keynote speakers: Nikolaj Bjorner (Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research), Lionel Briand (Vice-Director, FNR Pearl Chair, University of Luxembourg), and Vincent Danos (Chair of Computational Systems Biology at the University of Edinburgh), each of them gave an invited talk of one hour.ICFEM 2014 was preceded by the 7th International Summer School on Verification Technology, Systems & Applications (VTSA 2014) from October 27th to 31st. The 3rd International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS 2014), the 4th Workshop on SOFL + MSVL, and 1st ICFEM Workshop on Default Privacy were co-located with ICFEM and took place immediately following the conference. The FTSCS 2014 workshop has two invited talks by Klaus Havelund (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and Thomas Noll (RWTH Aachen University) and 16 technical presentations, the SOFL + MSVL workshop has 13 technical presentations, while the program of Default Privacy workshop consists of 8 presentations.ICFEM 2014 was organized and sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg, and received financial support from the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR – National Research Fund) in Luxembourg.