12th European Congress of the Fédération Internationale d’Éducation Physique (FIEP)


CALL: 2017

DOMAIN: ID - Humanities and Social Sciences





HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg


START: 2017-09-13

END: 2017-09-16

WEBSITE: https://www.uni.lu

Submitted Abstract

The 12th European Congress of the Fédération International d’Éducacion Physique (FIEP) was hosted by the University of Luxembourg from 13/9 to 16/9 2017 at the Belval campus. Approx. 200 participants (scientists, researchers, educators, teachers) from 45 countries presented their current research findings in 14 parallel sessions, 8 invited symposia, and 1 poster session. In accordance with the congress programme (please see below), the presentations dealt with important and socially relevant topics of physical education and were intensively dicussed in multiple formats (e.g., panel discussion, expert discussion). The following internationally renowned keynote speakers provided significant input to selected topics of the congress:Prof. Dr. Ina Hunger (University of Göttingen, Germany) for “Physical Education in Early Childhood and Primary Education”.Dr. Richard Bailey (International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education) for “Physical Education and Physical Activity in Active School Communities”.Prof. Dr. Ivo van Hilvoorde (Vrije University Amsterdam) for “Physical Education and New Technologies”.Prof. Dr. Martin Block (University of Virginia, USA) for “Intercultural Learning and Inclusion in Physical Education”. In a number of invited symposia, international “players” in the field of physical education (umbrella organizations, scientific associations, networks etc.) presented their work and discussed special issues of physical education, for example: European Physical Education Association (EUPEA), International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE),United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO),Conseil Européen des Recherches en Éducation Physique et Sportive (CEREPS),European Primary Physical Education Network (EPPEN),International Federation for Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA),International Association of Physical Education for Girls and Women (IAPESGW),European MOBAK-Network.A group of 15 young researchers was selected for the “FIEP New Leaders Programme” which includes free congress participation. The best presentations of this researchers were awarded with the “FIEP New Leader Award”.

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