PRIDE 2017 Call is open!

The FNR is pleased to announce that the 2017 PRIDE Call for proposals is now open. Deadline to submit a commitment of participation is Wednesday, 11 October 2017, 14:00 CET. An information session about the new Call will take place on Wednesday, 12 July 2017.

PRIDE is the FNR’s main programme for funding doctoral research in Luxembourg. It aims to support the development of critical mass in key research areas, by attracting excellent PhD candidates to Luxembourg and offering them high quality research training. Under this programme, a block of PhD grants is awarded to a consortium of excellent researchers united around a coherent research and training programme. PRIDE is open to all domains of research and technological development.

In the first PRIDE call, which ran in 2015, 135 PhD positions were awarded in blocks to successful Doctoral Training Units (DTUs). These 135 PhD positions were complemented by 20 PhD and 2 institutionally funded Postdoc positions.

View funding results of 2015 PRIDE Call

Download the presentation from the 2017 PRIDE Info session

Go to PRIDE programme page

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