Panel discussion: epidemics, today and tomorrow

Médecins Sans Frontières is organising a panel discussion on the topic ‘epidemics, today and tomorrow’ on Wednesday, 6 November 2019 in Esch. The panel discussion features Sean Sapcariu, Programme Manager at the FNR.

While degenerative and man-made diseases such as cancer or diabetes are receiving increased attention from global health politicians and research funders, MSF underlines that communicable diseases including epidemics remain the primary burden of disease in the majority of settings where the organization works, such as in sub-Saharan Africa.

Does the global health agenda tend to neglect the diversity of the overall epidemiological landscape? With the emergence of new threats to global health, such as climate change or non-communicable diseases, is research on infectious diseases still relevant? How to define research priorities while ensuring that no one is left behind?

Jo Robays, Operational Research Coordinator at Doctors without borders (MSF), Pr Laetitia Huiart, Director of the Department of Population Health at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) and Sean Sapcariu, Programme Manager at the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) will share their views on the evolution of medical health needs, and their personal experience in defining research priorities.

Mit Philips, Coordinator of MSF Health Politics Team, will moderate the discussion.

Vic Arendt, infectious diseases physician at Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), will open the panel discussion.

Date, time, location

Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 18:30 – 19:30

Maison du Livre, Esch-sur-Alzette

Followed by a networking cocktail

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