NORFACE DIAL: All 4 Luxembourg proposals eligible

The FNR is pleased to inform that all 4 Luxembourg proposals submitted to the full proposal stage of the NORFACE DIAL Call are eligible. Funding decisions will be taken by the NORFACE Network Board in April 2017.

NORFACE launched the DIAL Call in December 2015. Applications to the NORFACE research programme are processed in two stages.

In the first stage, project Outline Proposals were invited with a deadline of 30 March 2016. 170 proposals were submitted to the programme. These proposals have been assessed by the DIAL Evaluation Panel.

The NORFACE Network Board followed the panel’s recommendation to invite 49 teams to the full proposal stage. The deadline for full proposals was on 12 October 2016. Of the 49 Full Proposals submitted, the 4 submitted by Luxembourg partners were declared eligible!

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