FNR joins NORFACE Network Board

The FNR is pleased to announce that  after a decision process by the other members it has been accepted as an official partner and has joined the NORFACE Network Board. Therefore as an official NORFACE partner, the FNR has the same rights and obligations as other NORFACE partners and will be able to contribute to the coordination of programmes.

The FNR first joined ERA-net NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) network as observer earlier in 2016.

So far, the FNR has facilitated the participation of Luxembourg partners in two NORFACE Calls, allocating 500,000 EUR for each of the Calls via its INTER programme:

  • DIAL Call (launched December 2015 – all 4 Luxemburg partners invited to full proposal stage)
  • T2S Call (launched January 2017)


New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe (NORFACE) is a collaborative partnership of national research funding agencies from 18 European countries in the area of social and behavioral sciences.

Launched in January 2004, the NORFACE network is the result of a successful bid for funding to the European Commission 6th Framework Programme under the ERA-NET scheme. Since 2004 the NORFACE network has proved itself as a successful coordinated common action of around 18 national research funding agencies.

NORFACE offers unique opportunities for participating funding agencies by developing common research funding instruments, thus creating opportunities for facilitating and building new networks of research collaboration in the social sciences.

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