MSCA Sklodowska-Curie Actions: Benefit from Luxinnovation application assistance

Are you ready to host experienced researchers in your organisation for up to two years, for a fully financed R&D and innovation project? The MSCA PF funding scheme of the European Commission will launch another call in September 2022. Luxinnovation assists in finding academic experts (PhD) in domains of choice and train the applicants organisations select in proposal writing to increase chances of obtaining funding for their project.

What is needed from you:

Your expression of interest (deadline: 17 December 2021). Please submit one expression per project and/or by type of expertise you are looking for.

You select one or more applicants that we propose to you around May 2022.

You discuss possible research projects with the researchers. They will write the majority of the 10-page proposal under our guidance and submit their proposal in September 2022. If successful, the researcher can start their project around May 2023. There is no need for you to co-finance projects, as the researcher’s salary as well as research and management costs are covered.

More information

Information page

Application form

MSCA page


Charles Betz, PhD
Senior Advisor – European R&D and innovation Support

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