FNR Media Training for Luxembourg-based Researchers

The FNR invites all researchers in Luxembourg (priority will be given to FNR beneficiaries) to a half day of media training. The training session will take place on Thursday, 16 June – deadline to register is Friday, 10 June.


The training session will offer practical tips for getting started and explore how engagement with the media and the public can benefit researchers and their work.

Participants will acquire the theoretic and practical skills needed to conduct a successful interview or public appearance, also learning how to communicate key messages to the public.


12:45-13:00: Registration and coffee

13:00-14:30: Theoretical concepts (in English): Communication channels, Luxembourg’s media landscape, body language, best practices, etc.

14:30-15:00: Coffee break

15:00-18:00: Practical exercises (Two separate sessions will be held in parallel in French/English and German/English.)

The training will be held by Dirk Hans (scienceRELATIONS Wissenschaftskommunikation) and Ingo Knopf (Independent Author and Director)

How to register

Registration link (please register by Friday, 10 June 2016 at the latest and indicate your language preferences).

More information

Download the invitation

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