Luxinnovation support with Marie Curie Individual Fellowships applications

In 2019, Luxinnovation is launching an action to support Luxembourg organisations to attract researchers with Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (IF) funding.

IF are an efficient way to finance postdoctoral researchers working in research groups or company up to 100%. The administrative burden is minimal as the candidate will do most of the proposal writing.

Luxinnovation as National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 can support you throughout the complete process with:

  • Attracting targeted researchers to apply to your institution
  • Filtering the best postdoctoral candidates for your proposal (if desired)
  • Training the candidates in proposal writing
  • Reviewing the proposals before submission

Is your organisation interested in participating? Please fill in Luxinnovation’s online template. We need a short description of your research project and the desired profile of the candidate by 29 March 2019.

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