Luxembourg and Singapore establish bilateral research collaborations

Officials from Luxembourg and Singapore have this week signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on research collaborations. Signed between the FNR and the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore (NRF), the MOU sets out the joint-funding of collaborative research projects in areas of mutual interest.  This was witnessed by the countries’ respective Prime Ministers, Mr Xavier Bettel and Mr Lee Hsien Loong. 

Areas of cooperation in scientific research between Luxembourg and Singapore

Jointly identified by FNR and NRF, priority will be given to research projects in material sciences, with a focus on composite materials and 3D printing, and in business analytics, with a focus on finance technologies.

First joint call expected to launch in 2017

FNR and NRF will take turns to organise the joint calls for collaborative research projects.  The inaugural joint grant call, which will provide funding of up to S$1.25 million per project, is expected to be launched in the first half of 2017.  Up to three projects may be supported for each call, and the projects will run for three years.  Research projects selected for joint-funding should involve a high degree of cooperation and collaboration between both countries’ research teams in the planning, development and execution of the project.

“Luxembourg and Singapore have shared ambitions in developing their economies and societies into ‘smart nations’.  Nurturing world-class research and innovation activities in focus areas is key in achieving these goals. With this collaboration, researchers from Luxembourg and Singapore are enabled to work on new developments and technologies in a truly synergetic manner” – Dr Marc Schiltz, Secretary General, FNR

“This collaboration provides a platform to bring together researchers from both Singapore and Luxembourg with deep expertise in material sciences and business analytics. They can collaborate to develop new technologies relevant to the needs of both countries.  NRF is confident that our continued efforts to strengthen collaborations with top researchers overseas will contribute significantly to building Singapore’s technological capabilities and creating value for our economy and society” –  Professor Low Teck Seng, Chief Executive Officer, NRF

Building capacities

Increased cooperation between Luxembourg and Singapore will allow both countries to build capabilities and develop both countries’ science and innovation talent pools.  Specific research priorities were identified in areas where both countries have complementary capabilities and where the research outcomes were likely to create mutual benefits.

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About the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore

The National Research Foundation (NRF) is a department within the Prime Minister’s Office. The NRF sets the national direction for research, innovation and enterprise (RIE) in Singapore. It seeks to invest in science, technology and engineering, build up the technological capacity of our companies, encourage innovation by industry to exploit new opportunities that drive economic growth, and facilitate public-private partnerships to address national challenges.

Under RIE2020, NRF is committed to create greater value in Singapore from our investment in research, innovation and enterprise through 1) closer integration of research thrusts, 2) stronger dynamic towards the best teams and ideas, 3) sharper focus on value creation, and 4) better optimised RIE manpower. Visit for more details.

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