LIST Water Lectures Seminar Series: ‘Crop choice and water management for high and stable yields’

As part of the LIST Water Lectures series organised for the fall session 2018, the next event will take place on Tuesday, 9 October 2018 at LIST premises in Belvaux (LU).

Prof. Giulia Vico from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences of Uppsala (SW) will be the invited speaker and will make an oral presentation on ‘Crop choice and water management for high and stable yields’.

Exact information about the time of the lecture will follow nearer the event.

About the lecture series

The LIST Water Lectures series were launched in January 2017 and covers various aspects of water resources research towards a sustainable river basin management. The series aggregate a group of outstanding experts and scientists in water resources research and related fields. They are funded by the FNR and organised by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in the framework of the Doctoral Training unit in hydrological sciences’ activities.

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