LISER café debates series “Science & Société”

The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) is organising a series of eight café debates around the topic science in society. Supported by the FNR’s PSP-Classic scheme, the next event takes place on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 and focuses on the question ‘Quelle cohesion sociale dans le future entre le Luxembourg et ses voisins?’. 

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg attracts nearly 200,000 cross-border workers every day and is a historic destination for foreigners on its labour market. In order to make it possible to “live together”, the Luxembourg State has developed in recent decades various mechanisms to facilitate the integration of all these workers. These include the facilitation of the acquisition of Luxembourg nationality, the opening of the Economic and Social Council to non-Luxembourgers, and elections to the Chamber of Employees, among others. On the other hand, various mechanisms seem to run counter to the social cohesion thus created. Indeed, the tax treaties concluded between Luxembourg and its neighbours are bilateral and produce different effects, social security is regulated at European level and generates differences in treatment between residents and frontier workers…

Do all these movements contribute to improving or weakening the social cohesion existing on the Luxembourg labour market between border residents and residents, but also between them? Are the territories of the Greater Region around Luxembourg on an equal footing? How can we maintain in the future the cohesion of this unique working space in Europe that is the Greater Region, between its various components? These are some of the issues that will be discussed.

This lecture series is supported by the FNR’s Promoting Science to the Public scheme PSP-Classic.

Please note, this series takes place in French.

Time and location

Tuesday, 12 March, 18:30

Kulturfabrik, café Ratelach, Esch-sur-Alzette

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