Laying foundations for future collaborations: the FNR visits Singapore

In June 2015, the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) organised a visit to Singapore together with representatives from all major national research institutions. The aim of the symposium was to lay the foundation for future collaborations with one of the leading Asian states in research and innovation and thus increase the visibility of Luxembourg as an attractive research site in Europe. 

“Singapore seems an ideal partner because it has a lot in common with Luxembourg,” says FNR Secretary General Marc Schiltz: “it’s a small, multilingual country, a finance hub with a strong service sector and a driving force for innovation, and a sustained investment in research.”

Around 20 researchers and executive heads from the University of Luxembourg as well as the LIH, LIST, LISER and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg accompanied the FNR delegation to Singapore.  They met with their counterparts from top universities, including the renowned National University of Singapore and discussed potential common research projects.

By the end of summer, FNR will launch a call where Singaporean and Luxembourg researchers can submit joint proposals. FNR has already put in place similar agreements supporting cooperation with researchers from the US and several European states.

A more detailed report of the Singapore visit (in German) can be found on the website of the University of Luxembourg.

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