Launch of the ICPerMed Partnering Tool for personalised medicine research

The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) has launched the ICPerMed Partnering Tool for personalised medicine research. The ICPerMed Partnering Tool facilitates networking among universities, research and patient organisations, SMEs, industry and all other stakeholders interested in personalised medicine research. 

ICPerMed brings together over 30 European and international partners representing ministries, funding agencies and the European Commission (EC). Together, they work on coordinating and fostering research to develop and evaluate personalised medicine approaches.

The ICPerMed Partnering Tool offers the chance to search for partners and to present your expertise to the personalised medicine research community. By completing and activating your profile you publish your partnering profile to all users and present your collaboration offers. The Partner Search Tool assists you in finding suitable cooperation partners for future Calls.

Go to ICPerMed partnering tool

Save the date – ICPerMed Conference 2018

The first ICPerMed Conference will take place on 20-21 November 2018 at the dbb forum in Berlin, Germany.

Find out more about the ICPerMed Conference

Pre-announcement of ICPerMed Awards

The objective of this award is to encourage and disseminate best practice examples in personalised medicine research (PM).

Find out more about the ICPerMed Awards

More information on ICPerMed can be found on the ICPerMed website:


International cooperation: 2022 ERA PerMed Call

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