Kick-off-Event: Experiments in the classroom – with lesson plans from

Calling all primary school teachers: do you want to make your natural sciences lessons (éveil aux sciences) more interactive and experiment with your pupils? Then sign up for the national kick-off event of the lesson plans from! In this three-hour IFEN-certified event (date TBC), you will get to know the section „Ideen für naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht in der Grundschule“ and try out some of the experiments suggested there yourself. 

The section on offers over 30 complete lesson plans with simple experiments or videos, as well as small science challenges. They are based on the step-by-step principle of the scientific method, for which, however, neither previous scientific knowledge nor experience with experimentation is necessary.

The lesson plans were developed by the FNR, who created and maintains, in collaboration with Script (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’innovation pédagogiques et technologiques). They are mainly aimed at primary school teachers of cycles 3 and 4 (pupils aged 8 to 12).

Promoting science to the public is one of the main tasks of the FNR’s Science in Society team. The website was also developed within this framework. Among other things, it suggests exciting experiments to the public and provides scientific explanations for everyday phenomena, but also informs about research in Luxembourg and offers fact checks on topics that are relevant for society.

Details about the event

Date TBC.

Location: Centre Prince Henri & IFEN Bâtiment 6 in Walferdange

Target group: primary school teachers C2-C4


From 13.30: Arrival and Covid-Check

14.00 Welcome by Luc Weis, Director of SCRIPT and Jean-Paul Bertemes, Head of Science and Society at FNR

14.10 Presentation of the section „Ideen für naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht in der Grundschule“ (Michèle Weber, Science Communicator at FNR)

14.30-16.30 Workshops „Experimenting in the classroom“: in teams, we will try a few of the experiments together (Michèle Weber (FNR), Marianne Schummer (SCRIPT), Olivier Rodesch (SCRIPT), Jean-Paul Bertemes (FNR), Joseph Rodesch (FNR).

16.30 Call for participation in a national evaluation of the lesson plans (Michèle Weber, FNR)

17.00 End

Go to registration

The kick-off event is a collaboration between the FNR, SCRIPT and IFEN.

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