
Country(s): Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey,

Deadline: 22-03-2022 17:00 CET (pre-proposals)

Deadline:13-09-2022 17:00 CET (full proposals)


PRIMA is a new Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area. Through Resarch Collaborative Projects PRIMA aims to build research and innovation capacities and to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions for agro-food systems, and water provision in the Mediterranean area to make to make them sustainable, in line with the UN 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The PRIMA programme counts 15 Participating countries: Algeria; Croatia; Cyprus; France; Germany; Israel; Italy; Luxembourg; Malta; Portugal; Slovenia; Spain; Tunisia and Turkey. In addition, it is expected that Egypt; Jordan; Lebanon; Morocco are to be considered for the time being to be Participating States. Their full participation will be announced on the PRIMA website.

1 – Water management:

Topic 2.1.1 (RIA) Alleviating Mediterranean water scarcity through adaptive water governance..

2 – Farming systems:

Topic 2.2.1 (RIA) Up-scaling field practices based on agroecological practices to increase ecosystem services and biodiversity, to adapt the small farming systems to climate change and to increase farmers incomes.

3 – Agri-food value chain:

Topic 2.3.1 Increasing the resilience of small-scale farms to global challenges and COVID-like crisis by using adapted technologies, smart agri-food supply chain and crisis management tools.

Visit the PRIMA website for more information


  • The total budget for this Call is 35.5 MEUR.
  • The FNR supports this multilateral Call with 400,000 EUR (Section 2 only)


  • The 2022 Call runs in two stages: pre-proposals and full proposals
  • All applications must be submitted to PRIMA via their Electronic Submission System (ESS): Please note, the ESS can now be used to submit Section 2 proposals. A “Submit Proposal” tab is located at the top right corner of the Section 2 call page of the PRIMA website. By clicking on the “Submit Proposal” tab, you will be redirected to the ESS. Guidance on how to use the ESS can be found in the ESS handbook.
  • Additionally, the Luxembourg partners must submit the PRIMA documents to the FNR, along with the INTER documents, no later than 7 working days after the PRIMA deadline(s). This must be done via the FNR Online Grant Management System.
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