International cooperation: Results FRIPRO 2017 Call

The FNR is pleased to be able to communicate that 1 of 7 projects involving Luxembourg partners has been retained for funding in the 2017 bilateral FRIPRO Call, led by the Research Council of Norway (RCN), an FNR commitment of 858.000 EUR. 

As part of its INTER programme to foster international cooperation, the FNR has a collaboration agreement with the Research Council of Norway (RCN), to support bilateral projects between researchers based in Luxembourg and Norway, with the RCN serving as lead agency.

The deadline for the 2018 RCN FRIPRO Call is Wednesday, 25 April 2018.

Funded project

Luxembourg partner and institution

Peter Ryan, University of Luxembourg

Norwegian partner & institution

Einar Rønquist, Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi og elektroteknikk (NTNU)

FNR committed & project duration

858.000 EUR

48 months


INTERnational cooperation: Results 2021 AUDACE Call & upcoming webinars

International cooperation: Round-up of 2021 retained INTER projects

International cooperation: Round-up of 2020 retained INTER projects

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