International Cooperation: Pre-announcement of NORFACE multilateral joint Call for proposals

The FNR is pleased to pre-announce a multilateral joint Call for proposals on ‘Transformations to Sustainability’ (T2S). T2S is a new funding programme for international, transdisciplinary projects addressing transformations to sustainability, initiated by the Belmont Forum and the NORFACE network.

The official Launch of the Call for outline proposals is expected to be released in December 2016, and will be posted on the FNR website. A LinkedIn group,  ‘Multilateral Joint Call: Transformations to Sustainability (T2S)’, has been created to facilitate the exchange between researchers interested in taking part in the Call.

Researchers from Luxembourg are encouraged to participate.

Call themes

  • Governance and institutional dimensions of transformations to sustainability
  • Economy and finance of transformations to sustainability
  • Well-being, quality of life, identity, and social and cultural values in relation to transformations to sustainability

The FNR supports the NORFACE programme as part of its international cooperation facilitation scheme INTER.

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