International cooperation: NORFACE info session presentation available

Following the information hosted by the FNR on 11 December to provide information and answer questions regarding the multilateral NORFACE Call on democratic governance, the presentation and Call documents are available for download.

Download presentation

About the Call

The total reserved budget for this Call by NORFACE partners is 17.6 MEUR. This programme is funded by 21 funding agencies from 19 countries across Europe and supported by the European Commission under Horizon 2020.

The main focus of this research programme will be on understanding the precise nature of the recent turbulence in democratic politics and governance in Europe, how European states can negotiate it and how they can develop strategies to enhance the quality of democratic politics and governance. Researchers from the social sciences are invited to apply for funding on behalf of an international consortium, comprised of researchers from three or more countries that participate in this NORFACE Call for Proposals.

The Call was launched on Monday, 3 December 2018 with a pre-proposal deadline on 19 February 2019, 14:00 CET.

Go to FNR-NORFACE programme page (NORFACE Call documents now available)

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