International Cooperation: NORFACE Call for full proposals

The FNR is pleased to inform that the full proposal stage of the NORFACE DIAL Call has opened.  Out of the 170 outline proposals submitted for the first deadline in March 2016, 49 teams have been invited to submit full proposals. The deadline is 12 October 2016.

4 Luxembourg partners are amongst the 49 projects to be invited to submit full proposals, which must include a 7,500 word full project description. Luxembourg teams are welcome to contact the FNR NORFACE coordinator Asael Rouby.

About the NORFACE and DIAL Call

By 30 March 2016, the deadline for outline proposals to the NORFACE Call, NORFACE received 170 Outline Proposals in the Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) call.

These have been assessed by the DIAL Evaluation Panel. The NORFACE Network Board has followed the panel’s recommendation to invite 49 teams to the Full Proposal stage. Out of the 49, 4 proposals with Luxembourgish partners have also been invited to submit a full proposal.

Information about the documentation for the Full Proposal stage, the funding decision and the appointment of a scientific programme coordinator will be published on the Era-Norface website.

The deadline for Full Proposals is Wednesday, 12 October 2016. Funding decisions will be made by the NORFACE Network Board in April 2017.

How to apply

All Call NORFACE documents and further information about this Call will be published on the Era-Net NORFACE website. Please note, that Luxembourg applicants must submit additional documents to the FNR no later than 5 days after the NORFACE deadline.


This is the first ERA-Net NORFACE Call with Luxembourg participation. The FNR joined ERA-net NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) network as observer earlier in 2016. The FNR has allocated funding for the DIAL call, enabling Luxembourg-based researchers to participate as co-partners in a NORFACE proposal.

Go to FNR NORFACE Programme page

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