International cooperation: Launch of NORFACE & Belmont Forum T2S Call

The FNR is pleased to announce the multilateral Call Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) is now open! The FNR has allocated 500,000 EUR for this Call, which is expected to fund up to two projects. Deadline for pre-proposals is 5 April 2017.

About the new T2S Call

Climate change, environmental degradation and resource pressures have created unprecedented situations for societies worldwide. Conventional knowledge and capacity building to tackle the challenges associated with sustainability have proven inadequate, and a comprehensive and concerted research initiative is needed to boost research on transformations to sustainability that can catalyse new kinds of solutions to environmental and social challenges.

Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) is a new funding programme for international, transdisciplinary projects addressing transformations to sustainability initiated by the Belmont Forum and NORFACE network.

In addition to Luxembourg/the FNR, the programme is supported by funding agencies from the following countries: Belgium, Brazil, Chinese Taipei, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the USA. *Update, 23/02/2017: Lithuania has joined the Call.*

Go the FNR-T2S programme page

FNR Info and Networking Session

The FNR is pleased to invite to an information & networking session in Belval on 31 January 2017 for the T2S Call. The aim of the session is to inform about the call and to meet potential applicants of the upcoming T2S Call. Interested parties must register for the session by Friday, 27 January.

Update, Tuesday, 1 February: Presentation available for download

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