International cooperation: Joint FNR – F.R.S-FNRS Call

The FNR is pleased to announce the joint Call for bilateral proposals with the Belgian F.R.S-FNRS. Deadline for proposals is Thursday, 9 July 2020, 14:00 CET.

In the framework of the FNR’s INTER programme to support international cooperation, the FNR and F.R.S-FNRS have an agreement in place to support bilateral research projects between scientists based in Belgium and Luxembourg. This Call provides the opportunity to submit collaborative project proposals, as part of the PDR instrument within the framework of the F.R.S.-FNRS Credits and Projects Call 2020,
with research institutions established within Luxembourg and eligible for FNR funding. F.R.S.-FNRS is lead agency.

Go to F.R.S-FNRS programme page

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