International cooperation: Call pre-announcement for bilateral projects with Singapore

The FNR hereby pre-announces two Calls for proposals which will open in August. The Calls will be launched to further foster the collaboration with Singapore. Both Call deadlines will be Tuesday, 26 September 2017, 14:00 CET.

AFR bilateral Singapore

With its AFR bilateral Singapore programme, FNR supports PhD and Postdoc projects in cooperation between a Luxembourg based eligible research institution and one of the Singapore research centres. It follows a bottom-up approach and is open to all research domains.

This collaboration agreement between the FNR and Singapore launched with an initial call in 2015 in which 6 out of 17 submitted projects were funded, with 10 grants awarded.

Go to AFR Bilateral Singapore programme page

First joint FNR-NRF call for research proposals

Based on the MoU signed by the FNR and the National Research Foundation Singapore, a first call for joint Luxembourg-Singapore research proposals will be launched. In this 2017 call, FNR takes the lead and is responsible for the evaluation process.

The call will be open for joint projects in the domains of:

  1. Material sciences, with a particular focus on composite materials and 3D printing, and
  2. Business analytics, with a particular focus on financial technologies.

Go FNR-NRF programme page


Launch AFR Individual & Bilateral 2023 Call

International cooperation: Deadline postponed in NRF Call

International cooperation: Launch of AFR Bilateral Call with Singapore

Luxembourg and Singapore establish bilateral research collaborations

Laying foundations for future collaborations: the FNR visits Singapore

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