International cooperation: 39 new COST Actions launched

The FNR is pleased to inform that COST has decided to support 39 new Actions in all fields of science and research. A 40th Action is pending. COST Actions are networks of researchers all over Europe and abroad. Anyone interested in taking part in an Action should register their interest as soon as possible.

Each COST Action is a bottom-up science and technology network in fields that are of interest to at least five COST countries with a duration of four years. COST provides the COST Actions with financial support for joint activities, such as workshops, conferences, short-term scientific exchanges, training schools, and publications. Each COST Actions has an objective, defined goals and clear deliverables. COST Actions have located their topic into one of COST’s scientific Domains. Please note that COST does not fund research itself.

Luxembourg based researchers from the public and private sector are invited to participate in these new Actions.

If you wish to participate in one of these new COST Actions, please complete this 1-page WORD form and send it to Dr Helena Burg, at the FNR, together with a current CV.

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