HPC Thursdays – supercomputing webinar series + Supercomputing Day 2022

Luxinnovation, LuxProvide and the University of Luxembourg run a webinar series on the topic of High-Performance Computing (HPC), in the form of 8 webinars taking place every other Thursday in 2022. The series is aimed at all sector of industry, academia and public administration. In addition, the Supercomputing Day 2022 will take place on 12 May 2022 – register now.

Make HPC accessible to all companies and researchers in a wide range of sectors: this is the objective of the National Competence Centre in High Performance Computing. The partners behind the centre – Luxinnovation, LuxProvide and the University of Luxembourg – are launching HPC Thursdays to provide an insight into why HPC is relevant and useful for businesses & research, and how it can be used.

What is HPC Thursdays?

High performance computing, or HPC, can help generate new business value by unlocking the power of data and allow research the leap forward. Luxembourg has a unique HPC infrastructure that is open to companies as well as to researchers. However, many of you may wonder, “what is HPC”? To answer this question and many more about high-performance computing, also known as supercomputing, Luxinnovation is organising a series of webinars for you.

The HPC Thursdays webinar series will inform you about the benefits of using a supercomputer, about what a supercomputer is, how it works, and the skills needed to use one. Each webinar session will present concrete examples of applications in different domains to help you understand the value added of using a supercomputer, and to inspire you to use one in order to boost your activities!

Who could be interested?

HPC Thursdays webinar series is for newcomers in the supercomputing world, from all sectors of industry and all disciplines of research, and also from public administration. This is the perfect exploratory path for you to understand the basics of HPC! Join the HPC Thursdays webinars twice per month online, starting on Thursday 20 January 2022 from 11:00 to 12:00!

Remaining webinars

  • HPC for digital history and public administration – use case examples – Register now
  • 21 April 2022
    HPC for finance – use case example – Register now
  • 5 May 2022
    Discover MeluXina: Luxembourg’s unique business-oriented supercomputer – Register now

This webinar series is supported by the FNR’s RESCOM programme, support scientific events and lecture series.

Supercomputing Day 2022 [on-site]

12 May 2022, 14:00 – 17:00 CET

Chamber of Commerce – 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi |L1615 Kirchberg (Luxembourg)

Find out more / register

Supercomputing, or high-performance computing (HPC), is as an enabler of innovation and a driver of significant financial return. The Luxembourg Supercomputing Day 2022 will provide insights into the supercomputing world, a tool that companies – start-ups and SMEs as well as large groups – research and public administration can use to boost their innovation capacity by exploiting the value of data and place themselves ahead of competitors. The event is organised by EuroCC Luxembourg, a collaboration between LuxinnovationLuxProvide & the University of Luxembourg.

Join and listen to the experience of your peers, get inspired, meet potential partners and learn more about how you can benefit from Luxembourg’s supercomputing infrastructure and what support you can count on to drive your own impactful projects backed by supercomputing.

The event will provide information about the many benefits that supercomputing can bring to business and research, inspire attendees about potential use in different sectors with concrete use cases examples, and highlight the support services available in Luxembourg for organisations that want to approach the supercomputing world.

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