FNR training for researchers: how to present scientific evidence to politicians

How to present scientific evidence to politicians: The FNR’s media training for PI’s, takes place on Tuesday, 19 October 2021. 

Do you want to communicate your expert knowledge to assist authorities in their decision? Great, but you cannot simply state their knowledge and hope for the best. You really need to understand how your target audiences work and tick if you want to have an impact. Our workshop provides you with the knowledge and the tools to make sure that the scientific evidence you communicate can be integrated into the decision-making process.

Programme and trainer

08:45-09:00 Registration and welcome coffee

09:00-13:00 Training

The training will be held by Daniel Saraga, science communication specialist, Saraga Communications.

During the training, Prof. Paul Wilmes will speak about his experience in dealing with politicians as spokesperson of the Covid-19 Task Force.

During the training you will also get the possibility to meet the members of the newly created Parliamentary Research Service at the Luxembourg Parliament, who will attend the training as observers.


Maison du Savoir (entrance Auditoires) – exact room TBC

2, avenue de l’Université L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette GPS: 49.504839 | 5.948214


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