FNR strategy presentation & information session

The FNR is inviting the research community to an information session about FNR programmes, as well as the new FNR strategy for 2018 – 2021, in line with the new multi-annual contract recently signed with the Luxembourg Government.

Time and location

Monday, 26 March 2018, 16:00 – 18:30

Maison du Savoir, Auditoire 3.500


Please use the form below to register your interest in attending

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16:00 – 16:20

Welcome address by Marc Schiltz

Presentation of the FNR strategy and action plan 2018-2021

16:20 – 16:35

Presentation of the innovation programmes JUMP & BRIDGES by Andreea Monnat

16:35 – 16:50

Presentation of the INTER programme by Helena Burg

16:50 – 17:05

Presentation of the FNR OPEN ACCES policy and SIS activities by Michèle Weber

17:05 – 17:20


17:20 – 18:30

Drinks reception (outside Auditorium)


Creating value for society: The FNR’s strategy and action plan 2022-2025

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