FNR Info Day: FNR, CNPD & Chris L. S. Coryn presentations available for download!

The FNR this week hosted the FNR Info Day 2016, where attendees had the opportunity to find out about the FNR’s funding instruments and activities; an evaluation of the CORE selection procedure; as well as what researchers need to be aware of in the area of data protection. The FNR and CNPD presentations are now available for download.

The well-attended FNR Info Day was the first time the FNR held an event to cover all of its funding instruments; previous editions specifically focused on the CORE programme.

The event was opened by Marc Schiltz, Secretary General of the FNR, followed by an introduction to FNR funding instruments by Christiane Kaell, Head of Unit for Thematic Research Programmes at the FNR.

Arnaud Habran, representing the Legal department of the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données (CNPD), delivered a presentation on the topic of ‘Scientific Research and Data Protection’, outlining researchers’ duties in regards to data protection, as well as the rights of data subjects.

Chris L. S. Coryn, a distinguished researcher from Western Michigan University, delivered a presentation outlining the key points of an evaluation of the FNR’s CORE selection procedure.

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