FNR and Fondation Cancer sign agreement to work together to support scientific projects

On Friday, 18 September 2015, the FNR and the Fondation Cancer officially put pen to paper and signed an agreement formalising their collaboration to support scientific projects in Luxembourg.

The partnership, which runs from 2015 to 2019, will enable the FNR and Fondation Cancer to develop and strengthen their collaboration to support scientific cancer research projects.

Yves Elsen, Chair of the Board of the FNR, and Carlo Bock, President of the Fondation Cancer, congratulated each other on the new collaboration between the two institutions – both of which have been providing funding for cancer research in Luxembourg for over 15 years. By combining their efforts, the FNR and Fondation Cancer aim to support cancer research projects of high scientific quality.

Scientific peer review service and opportunities for co-financing

As part of the collaboration, the FNR will provide a scientific peer review service to the Fondation Cancer, enabling the institution to forward their received research proposals to the FNR for evaluation. The FNR will evaluate the proposals in line with its international quality standard, and then provide the Fondation Cancer with a suggestion for a funding decision, as well as the complete information and knowledge collected about the proposal during the peer review process.

The agreement will also allow the FNR to forward research proposals that the FNR has received (as part of its own programmes), deemed worthy of funding, to the Fondation Cancer for funding or co-funding.

Harmonising cancer research on a national level

In addition to supporting cancer research projects, both partners plan a regular information exchange to explore opportunities to develop communal funding instruments for research projects. This effort will aim to support the implementation of the ‘Plan National Cancer’, brought to life by the Luxembourg Government in 2014 to harmonise the fight against cancer on a national level.

Both partners have also committed to coordinate their external communications about current topics in the area of cancer research in Luxembourg.

Martine Neyen, Director of the Fondation Cancer, expressed that the agreement will especially enable the Fondation Cancer to take advantage of the skills and the professional network of the FNR in the framework of international peer review of proposals submitted to the Fondation Cancer.

Dr Marc Schiltz, Secretary General of the FNR, expressed that the collaboration between the two institutions will contribute to the national harmonisation of cancer research in Luxembourg, and increase the international competitiveness of the research.

About Fondation Cancer

Since 1994, the Fondation Cancer has been providing help to cancer patients and their relatives.

To achieve this mission, it has set numerous activities over 3 areas: information, helping patients and research support.

The Fondation Cancer regularly informs about cancer and living with the disease. It aims to breaks intimidating myths and provide useful information in the domains of prevention and disease detection.

By proposing psychosocial support and psychotherapeutic care when needed, it provides a necessary help for patients and their relatives.

Finally, it supports research projects with the funds given by donors.

93% of the Fondation Cancer fundings come from private sources : only 7 % are provided by the convention with the Health Minister. All of the Fondation Cancer services are free, the subscription to publications is made upon simple request, and most of the brochures and leaflets can be downloaded from the www.cancer.lu website.

The Fondation Cancer is an establishment of public utility, with an administration board of six volunteer members and a team of twelve employees working every day to enhance the quality of life of cancer patients. Working along are almost 150 volunteers, for administrative tasks, to help patients going to the hospital, and also to help organize major events such as the Relais pour la Vie.

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