First success for FNR’s Proof of Concept Programme : Launch of the Spin-off “Motion-S”

“Motion-S” is the first spin-off to result from a technology transfer project financed in the framework of the FNR’s new funding instrument “Proof of Concept”.

The project named “SenseFleet” at SnT (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust – University of Luxembourg) has developed a novel driver monitoring system that makes use of embedded smartphone sensors (e.g., GPS, motion sensors).

The computed set of metrics including an overall score reflects the driving characteristics of a user and thus can be used to identify risky driving manoeuvres.

The Proof of Concept Programme (PoC) is an effort to bridge the gap between research and early stage of a marketable innovation, i.e. the absence of a committed industry sponsor and the absence of funding to build a prototype of a product or service that could then be used to solicit investment for a new company or to license a new product.

With the PoC grant, the FNR supported the testing of the technology developed by “SenseFleet” in a realistic environment. By facilitating the successful commercialisation of innovations to society, this initiative is expected to have a positive impact on Luxembourg and the economy.

The spin-off company Motion-S has recently entered a partnership with a major Luxembourg insurance company.

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