The first newsletter of the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease is out!

In April 2015, the FNR launched a new initiative called the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s disease. For the first time, all national biomedical research actors join forces in a hitherto unique funding programme.

One of their goals is to become an important player in international Parkinson’s disease research. Another is to raise public awareness for this common neurodegenerative disease and thereby also improve the wellbeing of Parkinson’s disease patients in Luxembourg and the Greater Region.

This is the first of a bi-annual newsletter created by the NCER-PD consortium to regularly brief all interested parties about the progress of the programme. Amongst other information, it contains an update from the large clinical cohort study, which forms the centre piece of the NCER-PD programme. Thus far, 103 Parkinson patients and 45 healthy controls have been included in the study. They have donated 444 biological samples and filled in 1.341 questionnaires, giving rise to more than 200.000 data points for analysis.

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