2021 Narrative CV Workshop – slides available

Following the FNR’s online workshop on the ‘Narrative-style CV’ implemented by the FNR in 2021, the information presented and gathered at the workshop is now available.

In 2021, the FNR introduced a narrative CV template for Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs requesting funding from FNR programmes. There were two purposes for this change: a streamlining and simplification of our process, as well as a move towards aligning with the principles of DORA and the goals of responsible research assessment.

The narrative CV template was developed internally at the FNR, based upon a landscape analysis of the different funders currently utilizing a narrative CV3as well as the Royal Society’s “Resume for Researchers”. After adapting these resources to the context of the FNR, the “Researcher CV template” was finalised and made mandatory for all FNR funding instruments where a CV is required, starting in January 2021.

The Narrative CV workshop covered three elements:

  • A history of the Narrative CV, with context and current international adoption
  • An interactive session on the different sections of the FNR template, and collaborative brainstorming of examples for outputs/achievements that fit in the different sections – see the ‘Mural’ below
  • A session on feedback – both covering survey responses and our larger feedback survey from last year’s experience with the narrative CV.

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Pre-workshop survey key results

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Narrative CV: Implementation and feedback results – 2023 report

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